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Dying Wish (Part 1) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

From their initial meeting, when the bookwormish Adam offers to help struggling super-buff Mercy with her class work, their hearts quickly became One. Unfortunately, a few years passed, their happy marriage takes a huge hit with the news of Adam being terminally ill! From that point on, the two lovers decide to live life to its fullest, travelling the world and getting into an assortment of sexy situations (which Mercy deals with in her own Amazonian style), making each moment they have together the Best Possible! Awesome CGI artwork from new AC artist rainbowscriber here!

initial meeting bookwormish Adam help struggling super-buff Mercy class work hearts One happy marriage huge hit news terminally ill lovers live life fullest travelling world assortment sexy situations Mercy Amazonian style moment Best Possible Awesome CGI artwork new AC artist rainbowscriber

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The Revenge Of The Fat Girl (Parts 1 - 3) - PDF

The Revenge Of The Fat Girl (Parts 1 - 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Alphadawg)

Randi was fat. Very fat. As a result she was picked on by most of the kids at school. Her only real friend was a boy named Steve. And then one summer she went to a special summer camp and transformed herself into a powerful, young, muscle goddess. While this turned out to be great news for Steve, it wasn't so great for Randi's former tormentors. Watch what happens to stuck-up cheerleader Shana and her football hero boyfriend Tim when they refuse to recognize that they better learn to respect the new and improved Randi. Another Awesome MC story brought to life by alphadawg here!

Randi fat picked on kids school friend Steve summer camp transformed powerful young muscle goddess great news former tormentors stuck-up cheerleader Shana football hero boyfriend Tim refuse recognize learn respect new and improved MC story alphadawg

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The Discovery Of The Century - TEXT

The Discovery Of The Century
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM & Demented20)

When a teenage boy uncovers that the Mother of a good female friend of his (one whom he has real feelings for) used to be a muscle flexing, body crushing, sex crazed, bodybuilder (finding an assortment of old video clips of her in her younger years online) he tries his best to keep such news to himself; though such a discovery simply couldn't be kept quiet for long, and once out, it changes the very nature of his entire group of friends, Forever!

teenage boy uncovers Mother good female friend real feelings muscle flexing body crushing sex crazed bodybuilder old video clips younger years online tries his best keep news discovery kept quiet long changes nature entire group of friends Forever

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